Personalize Your Material

Make the potential client feel like an individual

Personalize And Catch Their Eye

Distinguish Yourself

In a service industry such as criminal defense, all firms offer a service which is at first indistinguishable to the consumer. There is one critical aspect to getting the client to call and ultimately hire you: customer service. If firm A and firm B offer the same exact service it will almost always boil down to customer service. Customer service when marketing to clients first begins with making the client feel like an individual. Customer service is not only how you treat them when they are a client, but also when they are not.

Customer Service Is Critical

You hear it all the time on commercials, "Top rated customer service," "Number one in customer service" and more. Why is customer service such a big selling point when marketing to american consumers? U.S. consumers want to feel special, they want to feel like they are not a number. American consumers as a whole have an ego. The U.S. has the best military, largest economy, highest gross domestic product and much more. In other words, U.S. citizens are at the top of the global food chain and want to be treated as such. Customer service is therefore a huge selling point for U.S. consumers. So how does this tie in to criminal defense attorney mail marketing? Very simple, make the potential client feel like they are special. How do you make them feel special in a mailer? It's easy, personalize your direct mail advertisements.

Personalizing Your Material Is Easy

Personalizing direct mail advertisements is extremely easy, especially when using a word processor such as MS Word. The mail merge tool in MS Word works perfectly for personalized fields in a template letter. You tell MS Word where to put certain fields, such as first name, full name, address, arrest charge and more. Word will then print all of your prospects and personalize each based on your set fields. A template letter can contain the arrest charge in the body of the letter. For example you can write: "We understand that you have been arrested for Driving Under the Influence and we can help you." The personalized field is where the "Driving Under the Influence" was placed. For each individual you print, their respective arrest charge will be placed there.

Some Examples

Here are some great examples of how you can personalize:

"James, your Driving Under the Influence arrest is unfortunate. However, we can help defend you against this charge."

"Mr. Jones, we have successfully defended individuals who were arrested for Driving Under the Influence and we can help you as well."

"James, our experience and knowledge in defending Driving Under the Influence arrests can help you with your case."

"Driving Under the Influence cases can be scary, but if you choose us James you will have our firm on your side 100% of the way."

Reap The Benefits

Set yourself apart from the competition by using personalization techniques and enjoy the rewards of doing so. The best part is that Legal Grab makes it extremely easy to personalize anything you wish. With Legal Grab you can print out multiple personalized letters, envelopes, flyers and more in under 5 minutes. Try the Free Demo and we will show you exactly how easy it is to personalize and print your marketing material. You will be amazed at how you can personalize and print your material in less than 5 minutes a day.

Our Arrest Data

Arrest Data

Collection, verification and display:

All arrest data that we provide is collected by us directly from each individual arresting county. The arrest data is straight from the source. Our in house data collection ensures that the arrest data is timely and accurate.
Once we gather the arrest data we clean all individual arrestee addresses and verify they are deliverable. This virtually guarantees no returned mail. Postage discounts are also available, ask us how. Read more
Once the data is collected, cleaned and verified we provide it to you via the web app. The web app does not require any software to download. Access the arrest records anywhere. Read more

Arresting Counties

Arrestee Info

The data provided for each arrestee:

Full Name: The arrestees first and last name.

Address: The arrestees full residential address.

Age: The arrestees age.

Arrest Date: The date the arrestee was booked. more

Arresting County: The arresting county. more

Charge(s): The arrestees charge or charges. more

Sex: The arrestees gender. more

Race: The arrestees ethnicity. more

ZIP-AGI: The arrestees ZIP code adjusted gross income. more

Arrest Lists & Maps

arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

DUI arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

drug arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

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assault/battery arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

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drivers license arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

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arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

DUI arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

drug arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

assault/battery arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

drivers license arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

DUI arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

drug arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

assault/battery arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

drivers license arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

DUI arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

drug arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

assault/battery arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

drivers license arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

DUI arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

drug arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

assault/battery arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

drivers license arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

DUI arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

drug arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

assault/battery arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

drivers license arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

DUI arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

drug arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

assault/battery arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

drivers license arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

DUI arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

drug arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

assault/battery arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

drivers license arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

DUI arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

drug arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

assault/battery arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

drivers license arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2