The Numbers Game

Direct mail marketing is all about numbers

Use The Numbers Game To Your Advantage

Advertising Is Critical For Any Business

Advertising in general is a numbers game. The more you advertise, the more people you reach. Of course it is important to reach qualified prospects with a proper marketing approach. However, regardless of the industry, marketing to more consumers equals more sales. Superbowl ads are the most expensive in terms of cost of commercial length due to the sheer number of individuals viewing the commercial.

Direct Mail Advertising

Direct mail advertising for criminal defense attorneys falls under this same philosophy. The more individuals you market to, the increased chance you have to sign new clients. Of course there is an increase in advertising cost associated with the volume of marketing. However, the return on investment can be substantial.

Criminal defense attorneys are in a very unique position as they can make a lot of money by signing just one new client. It is not a volume industry when compared to selling can-openers. One new case can end up paying for over a year of direct mail advertising costs, and additional client acquisitions will be cherries on top.

Shotgun v.s. Targeted

Compared to Superbowl ads, Legal Grab's direct mail advertising is targeting the exact people who need your service. For example, a Superbowl ad for men's deodorant products are mostly intended for men and not women. The ad is using the shotgun approach. Advertise to as many people as possible and you will reach your intended target audience. Even though women will end up seeing the deodorant ad, it will reach enough men due to the volume of viewers.

The advantage of direct mail advertising is that you are not using a shotgun approach. You are mailing to individuals who were just recently arrested. Your target audience is qualified in terms of needing your service. The numbers game comes in as far as sending to enough recently arrested individuals so that you will reach some who will indeed hire you.

Refined Targeting

An added bonus to Legal Grab is that you can narrow down the target audience before you even direct mail. You can filter your intended prospects by arrest charge, ZIP AGI and much more. Rapidly narrow down your target audience so that you can save money on postage and maximize your chances of signing a qualified client.

Personalize Your Material

Personalization will set you apart from the rest of the firms that are in the same mailbox. You must begin to sell yourself to the potential client before they even know who you are. Send them printed envelopes with printed letters. Personalize the letter by inserting their name in the letter, their charge and more. You do not need to manually type any of this information. Using Microsoft Word will allow you to insert any field in any position within the letter. You may be surprised at how much more effective personalized letters can be. Read more about personalizing your marketing material here.

Our Arrest Data

Arrest Data

Collection, verification and display:

All arrest data that we provide is collected by us directly from each individual arresting county. The arrest data is straight from the source. Our in house data collection ensures that the arrest data is timely and accurate.
Once we gather the arrest data we clean all individual arrestee addresses and verify they are deliverable. This virtually guarantees no returned mail. Postage discounts are also available, ask us how. Read more
Once the data is collected, cleaned and verified we provide it to you via the web app. The web app does not require any software to download. Access the arrest records anywhere. Read more

Arresting Counties

Arrestee Info

The data provided for each arrestee:

Full Name: The arrestees first and last name.

Address: The arrestees full residential address.

Age: The arrestees age.

Arrest Date: The date the arrestee was booked. more

Arresting County: The arresting county. more

Charge(s): The arrestees charge or charges. more

Sex: The arrestees gender. more

Race: The arrestees ethnicity. more

ZIP-AGI: The arrestees ZIP code adjusted gross income. more

Arrest Lists & Maps

arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

DUI arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

drug arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

assault/battery arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

drivers license arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

DUI arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

drug arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

assault/battery arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

drivers license arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

DUI arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

drug arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

assault/battery arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

drivers license arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

DUI arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

drug arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

assault/battery arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

drivers license arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

DUI arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

drug arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

assault/battery arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

drivers license arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

DUI arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

drug arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

assault/battery arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

drivers license arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

DUI arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

drug arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

assault/battery arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

drivers license arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

DUI arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

drug arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

assault/battery arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

drivers license arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

DUI arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

drug arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

assault/battery arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

drivers license arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2