Just an attorney?

Or are you a businessperson as well?

Are you just an attorney or a businessperson as well?

Two Types Of Defense Attorneys

1. Those who intend to practice law.
2. Those who intend to practice law and grow their practice.

Not only should you be successful at practicing law, but you should also be successful at growing your practice. Criminal defense attorneys should not just wait for referrals, they should be proactive and get the clients who need an attorney.

Legal Grab Is Not For Everyone

Legal Grab is only meant for those who intend to practice law and grow their practice as well. Not everyone on this planet is an entrepreneur. However, if you decided to start your own private law practice, then you have a little entrepreneur inside of you. Therefore understanding the business aspect of a private practice is critical for your success.

We spoke to one of our clients and asked him why some criminal defense attorneys are reluctant to direct mail market. He told us that there are criminal defense attorneys who do not understand the business aspect of a private legal practice. It makes perfect sense, direct mail marketing isn't for everyone.

The truth is that not all criminal defense attorneys understand the business aspect which is necessary for success. Some may be the best at criminal defense law, but they may not know anything about growing their private practice. One does not equal the other. Some attorneys are content with a set amount of income, and others want to consistently grow their practice over time. If you are content with a set income, direct mail marketing is definitely not for you.

A True Success Story

One of our criminal defense attorneys had just started his own private practice. He did not have many clients and wanted to grow his business. We met him at a FACDL seminar, showed him a demo of our service.

In the free demo we showed him how you can sort arrest reports based on charge, quickly export to print envelopes and all of the other great features our service has to offer. After the free demo he signed up with Legal Grab immediately.

Two months later he had already signed 20 D.U.I. cases as a direct result of our service. Six months after originally signing up with Legal Grab he was hiring an associate to handle the rapidly increasing caseload.

Be The Success Story

The story above was the same client of ours who told us that some attorneys do not understand the business aspect of having a private practice. He understands the business aspect and knows what it takes to grow a successful practice. The proof is in then results. Legal Grab is only meant for those who intend to grow their practice and sign more clients. If you feel you have enough clients and do not wish to sign more, then Legal Grab is not for you.

If you are interested in signing more clients then we highly recommend that you do a free demo of our service. There is absolutely no cost in doing the free demo other than your time. Do the free demo and you will quickly realize the possibilities Legal Grab offers.

Our Arrest Data

Arrest Data

Collection, verification and display:

All arrest data that we provide is collected by us directly from each individual arresting county. The arrest data is straight from the source. Our in house data collection ensures that the arrest data is timely and accurate.
Once we gather the arrest data we clean all individual arrestee addresses and verify they are deliverable. This virtually guarantees no returned mail. Postage discounts are also available, ask us how. Read more
Once the data is collected, cleaned and verified we provide it to you via the web app. The web app does not require any software to download. Access the arrest records anywhere. Read more

Arresting Counties

Arrestee Info

The data provided for each arrestee:

Full Name: The arrestees first and last name.

Address: The arrestees full residential address.

Age: The arrestees age.

Arrest Date: The date the arrestee was booked. more

Arresting County: The arresting county. more

Charge(s): The arrestees charge or charges. more

Sex: The arrestees gender. more

Race: The arrestees ethnicity. more

ZIP-AGI: The arrestees ZIP code adjusted gross income. more

Arrest Lists & Maps

arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

DUI arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

drug arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

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assault/battery arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

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drivers license arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

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arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

DUI arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

drug arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

assault/battery arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

drivers license arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

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arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

DUI arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

drug arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

assault/battery arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

drivers license arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

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arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

DUI arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

drug arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

assault/battery arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

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drivers license arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

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arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

DUI arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

drug arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

assault/battery arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

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drivers license arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

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arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

DUI arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

drug arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

assault/battery arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

drivers license arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

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arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

DUI arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

drug arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

assault/battery arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

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drivers license arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

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arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

DUI arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

drug arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

assault/battery arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

drivers license arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

DUI arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

drug arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

assault/battery arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

drivers license arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2