Criminal Defense & Direct Mail

It's a proven fact that direct mail works for criminal defense attorneys.

All Criminal Defense Attorneys Should Direct Mail

Direct Mail Is Effective

Mail marketing can be an extremely effective advertising platform for any new or established criminal defense attorney. Thousands of people are arrested every day in the State of Florida. Many of those arrested will seek private legal counsel. Direct mail marketing to individuals recently arrested can not only help those arrested to find legal representation, it will also help criminal defense attorneys to increase their client base.

Mail marketing can help any criminal defense attorney increase their monthly revenue by thousands of dollars. Believing in the mail marketing platform will be easy once you try and successfully land a new client as a result. Mail marketing can become a criminal defense attorneys ultimate source for new clients.

There are many other forms of advertising for criminal defense attorneys: television ads, billboard ads, radio ads, yellow page listings, search engine optimization and search engine advertising. Television, radio and billboard advertising may not be a good option due to the extremely expensive costs of each. A yellow page listing is necessary, but is not anywhere near as effective as it may have been 20 years ago.

SEO Is Saturated

Search engine optimization, optimizing your firm website so that you are ranked high in search results, is slowly becoming a saturated and ineffective advertising tool. As more attorneys have their website "optimized", the less likely it is that your website will rank high on search results. Search engines constantly change their algorithms, so your website might be "optimized" for today but it may need maintenance in the future.

Search engine advertising allows you to appear on the top of the search results. This can be extremely expensive for any attorney. For criminal defense attorneys, the cost-per-click for search engine advertising can be as high as $20. This means that anytime someone clicks your online ad it will cost you $20. This can be very expensive, and if your ads are not set up correctly it can be very ineffective.

Direct Mail Is The Best Option

This leaves attorneys with one more option: direct mail advertising to individuals recently arrested. Do not underestimate the power of direct mail advertising. Direct mail advertising for criminal defense attorneys can provide the highest return on investment compared to any other advertising method. With direct mail advertising, specifically mailing to those individuals recently arrested, you have a great source of leads and can target individuals who need immediate legal help. Direct mail advertising can become the ultimate client source for any criminal defense attorney.

Directly contacting those who were recently arrested not only gives you the opportunity to introduce yourself you numerous individuals at the same time, it also introduces yourself to clients at the time they need an attorney the most. Direct mail advertising for criminal defense attorneys is also one of the few methods in which you can be proactive in reaching out to a potential client. Instead of hoping they find you on their own, find them and let them know who you are.

Starting A New Practice?

Many criminal defense attorneys begin their career as state prosecutors or public defenders. They eventually opened their own private practice after a brief career working for the government. However, there is one important problem they encounter when they open their private practice: they no longer receive a steady paycheck.

Of course new defense attorneys understand that they are taking a risk by "going on their own". Unfortunately a lot of these new attorneys don't fully understand how to start generating their own clientele. Any successful private law practice understands that in order to keep your practice afloat you must generate your own clients.

The question in every new private criminal attorneys head becomes "how do I start a new practice and gain new clients to stay alive?" The answer is not simple, but the solution is. Advertising is the key for any new business to grow and succeed. If you are new to any market or any industry, odds are that the consumers in this industry do not know who you are. If you are new to criminal defense, the odds are very slim that recently arrested individuals know who you are. The solution is to quickly let them know who you are by introducing yourself through effective advertising.

Our Arrest Data

Arrest Data

Collection, verification and display:

All arrest data that we provide is collected by us directly from each individual arresting county. The arrest data is straight from the source. Our in house data collection ensures that the arrest data is timely and accurate.
Once we gather the arrest data we clean all individual arrestee addresses and verify they are deliverable. This virtually guarantees no returned mail. Postage discounts are also available, ask us how. Read more
Once the data is collected, cleaned and verified we provide it to you via the web app. The web app does not require any software to download. Access the arrest records anywhere. Read more

Arresting Counties

Arrestee Info

The data provided for each arrestee:

Full Name: The arrestees first and last name.

Address: The arrestees full residential address.

Age: The arrestees age.

Arrest Date: The date the arrestee was booked. more

Arresting County: The arresting county. more

Charge(s): The arrestees charge or charges. more

Sex: The arrestees gender. more

Race: The arrestees ethnicity. more

ZIP-AGI: The arrestees ZIP code adjusted gross income. more

Arrest Lists & Maps

arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

DUI arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

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drug arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

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assault/battery arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

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drivers license arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

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arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

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DUI arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

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drug arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

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assault/battery arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

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drivers license arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

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arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

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DUI arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

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drug arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

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assault/battery arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

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drivers license arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

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arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

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DUI arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

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drug arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

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assault/battery arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

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drivers license arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

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arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

DUI arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

drug arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

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assault/battery arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

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drivers license arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

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arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

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DUI arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

drug arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

assault/battery arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

drivers license arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

DUI arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

drug arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

assault/battery arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

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drivers license arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

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arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

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DUI arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

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drug arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

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assault/battery arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

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drivers license arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

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arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

DUI arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

drug arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

assault/battery arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2

drivers license arrests added to our system in the past 3 days

Date County First Last Address Age ZIP-AGI Charge 1 Charge 2